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Friday, February 10, 2017
 Automated Business Solutions has released a new appointment reminder system that is fully integrated with their PtMS Mobile scheduling software.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017
 GATRA teamed up with ABS to develop Ride Match, a web based tool that provides access to information about transportation options for seniors, individuals with disabilities, and anyone needing to travel in Massachusetts and beyond.

Sunday, January 15, 2017
 PtMS Mobile can now connect PtMS dispatch, scheduling and billing functions to mobile Android phones or tablet devices in the vehicles.

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Group Trips Scheduling and Reporting

Group Trip Schedules can be re-used for repetitive group trips that are scheduled on a periodice (eg. weekly) or non-periodic (eg. second tuesday of the month) basis.

Senior services shopping services or nutrition sites are just 2 examples of services that are ideally suited for this type of scheduling.  Groups can be setup by name, a common destination for the group selected from the PtMS destination table, and clients added to the group from the PtMS clients table.  Once setup, a drivers manifest of clients in the group can be printed and completed trips can be posted to the trip transactions table for reporting.

Click here for a detailed description of this feature.
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